Tuesday, December 22, 2009

6 Month Photos

Right before Thanksgiving we had the pleasure of spending the day with our favorite photog Liz Cook! Liz did such a fabulous job with Charlie's newborn pictures that we didn't want anyone else taking his 6 month pictures. Most of the pictures were taken at Maymont Park in Richmond and we were actually fortunate because most of the leaves were still on the trees which made for some beautiful foliage shots! Liz did a wonderful job as usual - see for yourselves!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Giving Thanks for Our Many Blessings!

And we're back! So Thanksgiving 2009 was a very special holiday to the Bauckman family in that we have been blessed in so many ways and therefore have some wonderful things to be thankful for. To quote Jacob's mom Carol: "In one year, [Jacob and I] became a husband and wife, pooper scoopers (the adoption of our dog Billie) and a mom and dad!" Whew! That is alot of new responsibility! But even though this new responsibility may not let us be as selfish as we were a year ago - we couldn't imagine it any different! Even our dog Billie, who has destroyed almost every belonging we own, has enriched our lives with so much love. Don't even get us started with our main man Charlie boy - Jacob and I have smiled more in the 8 months he's been here with us than we have in our whole lives! We are truly BLESSED with these new changes that have wandered into our lives!

So to celebrate this special day we headed on down to Clarksville, Tennesee to spend some time with our Meme and Pepe along with Deb, Phill, Lindsay and Adam! We had a great time and spent most of our time eating, shopping and playing 'Hand and Foot' my new favorite card game! Another celebration took place while we were in Tennessee. Jacob and I celebrated our first anniversary! Can you believe it's already been a year? Jacob surprised me with a dinner cruise on the good ol' General Jackson paddle boat! It was fabulous! The dinner was great and the entertainment (which comprised of some absolutely breathtaking country western stars in the making) was fabulous! I gotta give Jacob some props on making our first anniversary one to remember for sure! Love you babe! Now we are looking forward to celebrating Charlie's first Christmas!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and Other Happenings!

Happy Halloween! Charlie celebrated his first ever Halloween sporting a very chic caterpillar costume while mom and dad went as a flapper girl and a Richmond Flying squirrel (new baseball team in Richmond)! Since it was an unseasonably warm this Halloween, I don't think Charlie cared too much for his costume that resembled a thermal sleeping bag - but we were able to snap a few shots before he couldn't bare it much longer! Charlie was very intrigued with all of the trick-or-treaters! He is definitely a people-watcher just like his mom! Since mom and dad had plans that evening - Charlie got to spend some quality time with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Karen! Thanks so much you guys!

In other news, Charlie turned 6 months old on October 25th! He is now beginning to eat solid foods aka liquid oatmeal and other pureed mush! So far it's going ok but it's pretty messy and sometimes we wonder if any of the food actually ends up in his tummy! We've also learned that what goes in must come out! Since introducing real-people food into Charlie's menu, his diaper changes have become somewhat less pleasant! Is that TMI? :)

Also - the dreaded flu season is here! Dun dun dun! I feel like I've never experienced a scarier flu season than this year with the media-frenzied H1N1 virus lurking about. But having a baby to care for makes it so much more scarier! We are doing everything we can to keep the little booger germ free b/c there is nothing more terrifying than the thought of caring for a 6 month old with the flu! Unfortunately the swine flu has already plagued Charlie's babysitter and a couple of other children she watches. Mom and Dad have had to work from home to take care of him and thankfully Jacob's mom has also graciously agreed to help us out on days we can't stay home. Needless to say we are gritting our teeth to get through this flu season!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Naked Time!

Every baby book I've read on the topic of sleeping has enforced one common principle - follow a nightly routine. Our nightly routine consists of the following: dinner, jumperoo, bath and then most importantly NAKED TIME! Naked time means letting Charlie play for a half hour or so completely sans clothing and boy does he love it! When Charlie is naked he squels and shrieks with utter glee! Hopefully he will grow out of this phase when it's not so cute anymore! But for now - we'll keep it part of the routine!
Look at those little butt cheeks!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jesus Loves Me!

Charlie William was baptized on Sunday September 27, 2009 at Shady Grove United Methodist Church by our own Pastor David Atkins! It was a short but lovely ceremony that was concluded with the congregation serenading Charlie with "Jesus Loves Me." Everyone including the Bauckman, Smith, Newman and Gardner clan came down to witness the event and then afterwards everyone joined us back at the house for mimosas and quiche! After the crowd left we took Billie and Charlie to the park for an afternoon stroll and Charlie's first swinging session! Oh what a lovely Sunday it was! God is good!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


In the months of July and August this summer Charlie acquired his first cousins! Delia Reese Bauckman was born July 29th and Bella Faith Dent (second cousin) was born August 21st! Charlie is enormous compared to these tiny girls! During the shoot the girls became a little upset so Charlie proceeded to place his hands on their legs to calm them down. It worked. Here's a picture of the Queens of the Crib and King of the Playpen at the shoot.

A new cousin coming soon: It has also been announced recently that Charlie can expect yet another cousin in the spring of next year! Becky's sister Lindsay is 10 weeks pregnant! She is expecting her little bundle of joy on April 16th 2010. Yay for cousins!

It's Fall Y'all!

Football, Foliage and Festivities! I just love fall and I'm especially excited this year to share my favorite season for the first time with my baby boy. This past weekend was Charlie's very first trip to Hokie town and he proved to be a good luck charm b/c the Hokies won in the last second of the game! This was a special game to the family b/c VT played Nebraska and both of my parents are Nebraska alums. So of course Charlie had to represent both sides of the family - not only did he sport his Hokie gear, he also sported an adorable Husker onesie with which mom and dad just couldn't argue. We are forever grateful to Grandma K and Papa Bill for watching Charlie so mom and dad could go watch the game! They drove all the way to Blacksburg to see their grandson and boy did they have a ball with him!

Charlie update: our monkey is a week away from being 5 MONTHS OLD! I know I keep saying this but where on earth does the time go?? On Friday Charlie had to undergo an not-so-pleasant procedure in the nether region of his body. Poor thing :( His circumcision didn't take in one place so they had to do some extra snipping. But he was such a trooper and didn't even cry! Mom and Dad are just relieved that it's over! We also believe Charlie might have some teeth coming in soon! He has been teething like maniac, sticking anything and everything in his mouth at every opportunity. He also is required to wear bibs now b/c if he doesn't his entire outfit will be soiled with drool within minutes. Let's hope we can make it through this next phase without too many tears!

Next weekend Charlie will be getting baptised and we are so excited to share that moment with our families!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Charles In Charge

Oh Charles is in charge alright - he pretty much dictates every waking hour of our lives (and non-waking hour for that matter)! But the more time we spend with him the less we mind ;) Charlie is now 3 and 1/2 months old (where the heck does the time go?) and since our last update Becky has returned to work and Charlie is now in the hands of his new sitter during the week days. Becky has handled this surprisingly well! She actually considers it a break to go to work! Miss Glenda just adores Charlie (who wouldn't?) and can't get over how happy he is for how young he is. Charlie just loves Miss Glenda right back too - sometimes he cries when he has to leave her ;)
In the last month our little boy has taken on the nickname "Chunky Monkey" for obvious reasons if you've seen his pictures. He has grown tremendously! No solid foods for this big boy for a while - he certainly does not need the extra calories! He is also *SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT*!!!! Woohoo pop the champagne! The glorious day has arrived - I guess he wanted to give mom a break knowing I was going back to work!

Chunky Monkey has also melted our hearts recently with his new cooing, giggling and smiling! He really is the "happiest baby on the block!" He seems to recognize when his mom and dad enter the room now too! His legs and getting stronger and stronger with each passing day and dad likes to walk him up and down the counter tops!

Also very recently, as in last week, Charlie acquired his first cousin! Yep - Delia Reese Bauckman arrived on July 29th at 1:23 am! Charlie was pumped to finally have a new playmate!

Check out some of his latest pictures!

Ready for our walk!

Charlie getting geared up for his first wakeboarding trip!

I just love bathtime!

Pool time with grandpa!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What?! 2 Months Already??!

Happy Birthday Charlie! Yep, our little boy is now the ripe old age of 2 months! How time does fly. And mom is already heading back to work next week – sniff sniff : ( It really feels like he just entered the world yesterday!

Well in the two months that Charlie has been on this earth with us we’ve learned soo much about him. He’s really a character! So far we know he is quite an eater and also quite a pooper (takes after his dad in both respects)! His favorite thing to do is make a poopie at the most inappropriate of times (like during a silent prayer at Church)! But we still love him. We’ve also learned that our stinker might be a swimmer one day. He really enjoys lounging in the pool and he especially digs bathtime! He could stay in that bathtub all day if we let him. He’s a water boy just like his pops. He’s already been out on the boat in his spiffy (yet a bit oversized right now) life vest – you’ll see the pics. His dad already has plans to get him up on a wakeboard in another month or two ;)

Sleeping is a bit of a sore subject for mom and dad. Our little monkey is not yet counting sheep like we want him to but it’s getting better day by day. Countless people have told me to hang on and that one day it will just click and he will be sleeping through the night. I’m still hanging – waiting for that glorious day that everyone has been promising me!

So you might be wondering how our once scrawny 5 pound Benjamin Button look-alike has changed in size over the last two months. Well yesterday Charlie had his 2 month check up with the Pediatrician where we learned all his eating has really paid off! He is now 10 lbs 6 oz (wow!), 22 and a quarter inches long (75 percentile!) and he also very much impressed the doc when he rolled over from his tummy onto his back all by himself! He’s a strong little monkey. He’s also turned into quite the handsome young man – a little less Benjamin Buttony and a little more Brad Pitt. To show you how much he’s grown in the last couple of months I’ve posted many (brace yourselves) pictures! I hope you enjoy them and we’ll talk to you all soon!

P.S. Charlie sends lots of sloppy wet kisses!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Charlie William Bauckman is here!!!!!!!!!

Charles "Charlie" William Bauckman arrived on Saturday April 25th 2009 at 11:50 in the morning weighing 5 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long! Mom and Dad were a little surprised by his arrival since he came 3 weeks early but are so incredibly overjoyed that he is here with us now! Charlie is doing fantastic and we are just so in love with this little guy, we can't seem to stop staring at his beautiful face! Here is one picture of Charlie and once Mom gets some free time she will be sure to post more! We look forward to all of you meeting our little man soon!

Friday, April 17, 2009

All set - now we just need a baby!

Hi everyone! Spring has sprung and we are fast approaching our due date! Becky is now 36 weeks (and enormous!) and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our new baby boy! Becky's wonderful friends threw her the most amazing baby shower a couple of weeks ago and we are now fully equipped with everything under the sun that we will need for the baby. Thanks to everyone for all the great gifts! Baby Bauckman's closet is bigger than Becky's! The nursery is also ready to go - see pictures below! Ok so that's it for now - please everyone keep us in your prayers for a smooth delivery! We (Becky especially) are starting to get a little nervous the closer we get to the due date - it's going to be quite an experience but hopefully a great one! The next time you hear from us - Baby B will be here! Love you all!

The Nursery

Hmm that wall art is a little off center.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

Even though we initially wanted to keep the sex of the baby a secret our doctor spilled the beans and insinuated that our baby was a boy. Just to be sure we recently decided to confirm this and found out that, indeed, it is a boy! The "male plumbing" was clear as day in the ultrasound which led the nurse to declare that there was no doubt! Jacob and I are ecstatic! Jacob is especially proud that our little one will be able to pass on the Bauckman family name! Now if we could only agree on names - we are struggling a bit in the name department! Here are some recent ultrasound and belly pics!

Sonogram at 27 weeks

Belly at 24 weeks

Belly at 28 weeks
Belly at 28 weeks